Break The Silence
Meet Josephat Torner, a Tanzanian human rights activist with albinism who has dedicated his life to raising awareness and acceptance towards people with albinism in his country.
Meet Josephat Torner, a Tanzanian human rights
activist with albinism who has dedicated his life
to raising awareness and acceptance towards
people with albinism in his country.
About the Josephat Torner Foundation Europe
We are the Josephat Torner Foundation Europe. We are based in the Netherlands. Together with Josephat we have set up activities to improve the situation of people with albinism in East Africa. By promoting the rights of people with albinism, by speaking up and raising awareness. After Josephat’s unexpected passing in 2020 we’ve expanded the JT Scholarship program in honour of Josephat. We want to help more children and adolescents with albinism to continue their education and improve their chances in life. We will also continue to raise awareness on albinism issues.
JT Scholarship Program
The Josephat Torner Foundation Europe provides scholarships for young people with albinism who are coming from families who do not have the means of continuing the education of their children.
Besides the children and youngsters who we support now, there are many young people with albinism who are seeking our support. We want to help as many children with albinism as possible. Therefore we need your help! If you would like to contribute to the Josephat Torner Scholarship Program please make a donation.
We also find it very important to keep raising awareness on albinism. Our main mission is to create a safe and all-inclusive society. Because of the uniqueness of our projects, we have been able to reach out to many people and made quite a number of achievements. We always combine our mission with the interest of local people so that everyone will be involved and accountable. The goal of all our activities is breaking the taboos and changing the mind-set about albinism.
Na het overlijden van Josephat Torner, wil de Josephat Torner Foundation Europe de strijd van Josephat natuurlijk voortzetten. We hebben besloten dat de beste manier om Josephat te eren op dit moment is via het Josephat Torner Studiebeurzen Fonds.
Het JT studiebeurzen fonds is bedoeld om kinderen en jongeren met albinisme te helpen met hun schoolkosten. De kinderen zijn afkomstig uit families die niet zelf in alle onderwijskosten kunnen voorzien. Wij willen de studenten ondersteunen, zodat ze met een diploma van school gaan en een eerlijke kans krijgen in de maatschappij.
Behalve de kinderen en jongeren die JTFE op dit moment ondersteunt, zijn er nog veel meer kinderen en jongeren met albinisme die onze hulp nodig hebben om naar school te kunnen gaan. Als je een kind wilt steunen doneer dan alsjeblieft. Alle donaties, groot en klein, aan het Josephat Torner Studiebeurzen Fonds zijn van harte welkom.
Daarnaast zullen we ons blijven inzetten voor een betere wereld voor mensen met albinisme, door bewustwording te creëren willen we discriminatie en stigmatisering tegengaan. We werken hierin altijd nauw samen met de Tanzaniaanse bevolking en lokale overheden om een inclusieve samenleving te creëren, waarin iedereen zich betrokken voelt.