The Josephat Torner Scholarship Program
After Josephat passed away, the Josephat Torner Foundation Europe decided to continue our fight for people with albinism, and the best way to honour Josephat at this moment, is by realising the Josephat Torner Scholarship Project. A JT scholarship is provided for young people with albinism who are coming from poor families who do not have the means of continuing the education of their children.
On this page we introduce 4 of the children that receive a JT scholarship; Ramadhani, Mariam, Maria and Pius. We are supporting 8 children now in total, but there are a lot more children who need our support. The children need books, school fees, school uniforms, dormitory, transport costs… You can help them by donating, every small or large amount is welcome!
De Josephat Torner Foundation Europe gaat verder met een studiebeurzen programma voor jongeren met albinisme. Onderwijs vormt een stabiele basis van eigenwaarde, zelfvertrouwen en kennis.
Op deze pagina kan je kennis maken met Ramadhani, Mariam, Maria en Pius, die een JT scholarship ontvangen. Maar er zijn nog veel meer kinderen die onze steun nodig hebben. Voor de financiering van schoolkosten zoals boeken, schriften, openbaar vervoer, huisvesting, schooltenue’s is ieder klein of groot bedrag welkom.
Help ons alstublieft om de studenten te ondersteunen! Je kan ons langdurig steunen, maar je kan ook eenmalig doneren! Alle hulp is welkom.

Meet Ramadhani
Ramadhani (22) was raised by his mother. He was a very happy boy. Ramadhani had to live in a shelter for several years, when the circumstances for children with albinism in Tanzania were very dangerous. His mother was so worried. Ramadhani was able to return to his home in 2016 and was reunited with his mother, who was extremely happy. Ramadhani successfully completed his high school. To continue his education, he is sponsored by JTFE, to cover for his study fees and accommodation. He is now enrolled in the diploma course in Community Development at the University of Iringa. His dream is to become a social worker so he can help children with albinism.
If you want to support a student like Ramadhani you can donate here.
Meet Mariam
Mariam (10) comes from an extremely poor family in Simiyu Province. Simiyu is one of the poorest regions in Tanzania (Josephat himself came from Simiyu). Her parents were not able to take care for her. For her safety she has lived in a shelter for several years. When the attacks on people with albinism dwindled, Josephat promoted family reunification programs, and Mariam was able to return to her village and live with her aunt. Josephat knew this girl for many years, and selected her to attend a private English-medium primary school as she is a bright and fast-learning child. Earlier she was commuting to the local primary school on foot, which was not considered safe. Now she lives at the school dormitory and she enjoys the company of the other children. She likes it at school and she dreams of becoming a teacher herself one day.
If you want to support a child like Mariam you can donate here.

Meet Maria
Maria (13) has been supported by JTFE since September 2019. Maria comes from a single parent family in Mwanza. Her father left the family when his wife gave a birth to a child with albinism, as happens more often. Nevertheless, Maria is a happy and outgoing girl. She attends a private English-medium school in Mwanza. Josephat had decided to send her to this private school because she is a very intelligent girl. A girl like Maria would be able to benefit greatly from quality private school education for her future self-reliance. Maria started commuting to school by public transport, however due to safety issues, she now stays at a dormitory.
Maria dreams of becoming a pediatrician.
If you want to support the education for Maria you can donate here.
Meet Pius
Pius lives in a rented apartment and manages everything on his own. However, since the murder incident of Joseph Mathias in Mwanza in October, his landlord asked him to leave his rented room as he is scared of getting into any trouble. Our local coordination team is keeping an eye on this issue. Up until now, Pius is able to live in the same rented room.
Pius has a talent of running a small business making use of his computer skills, and he makes his own income which covers his accommodation costs.
Pius says that he faced a lot in terms of exclusion and prejudice, as people, including his college mates know nothing about albinism. It is not their fault that they don’t have a positive image about people with albinism, it is because they are ignorant. He is spending a lot of time informing and educating people about albinism. He is also working hard in both academic and in improving his leadership skills so that people may break their negative perception about disabilities and people with albinism in general.
Pius intends to work as a banker and then become an independent and successful businessman.
Please support the Josephat Torner Foundation to help students like Pius. You can donate here.